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Sri Lanka

Visit Sri Lanka now!

Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylon during British colonialism, is a South Asian island country located in the north of the Indian Ocean, and East of the African continent. Incredibly close to the Maldives and the Seychelles, Sri Lanka’s tourism industry has boosted over the past few years; with tourists visiting now more than ever. It’s lush and tropical climates, culture, and cuisine are all something to boast about and has earned Sri Lanka a place on many tour operators destinations list.

Sri Lanka is most known for it’s cuisine due to being influenced by many cultural and historical factors, and is unbelievably one of the world’s largest producers of tea! Tea drinkers among us will no doubt be familiar with the popular Ceylon tea for its distinct flavor and antioxidant benefits, but, how many of us would have delved into why it is called Ceylon in the first place?

Sri Lanka’s capital is the extremely diverse Colombo. Once a port on the ancient east-west trade routes, Colombo has been ruled successively by the British, Dutch, and Portuguese. Regardless of this fact, Buddhism, Sri Lanka’s oldest religion dating back to the 3rd century BCE, is still alive and the most dominant religion of this island beauty. Languages spoken most widely are Sinhala, Tamil, and English. Sinhala originating from the native peoples, while, Tamil originates from the Indian laborers sent here to work on the tea plantations in the 19th century from Tamil Nadu, India.

Despite it’s vast history, culture, and landscapes; whatever your reasons are for visiting Sri Lanka are well worth it.

Read more on Sri Lanka here.

Sri Lankan girl